Disability Insurance

Protect Your Future - And Finances - From The Unexpected

No matter how well you think you’ve planned for the future, we all know the unexpected can, and probably will, happen. One little misstep while walking down a flight of stairs can cause a serious back injury that requires several days of bedrest and weeks of physical therapy. A botched play during a Saturday afternoon softball game can see you spend the rest of the season with your leg in a cast.

There are any number of non-work-related injuries or illnesses that can leave you disabled for weeks, if not longer. For most of us, taking even a month off work to recover can lead to major financial trouble. Health insurance might cover the medical expenses, but it won’t replace your paycheck. This is where Disability Insurance can come into play.

Disability Insurance is an often-overlooked type of coverage providing short or long-term benefits to eligible policyholders when a non-work-related illness, injury or pregnancy results in a loss of wages. For an affordable monthly premium, a personally-owned disability insurance plan provides a stream of income that will protect your assets and allow you to maintain your lifestyle and financial independence during your time of need.

Far too many people risk their livelihood by thinking Social Security Disability Insurance will keep them afloat if sidelined by injury or illness. The reality is that SSDI benefits barely provide enough to get the average family from one month to the next. Qualifying for SSDI benefits can be difficult and it can be months before your first check comes in. A disability insurance plan through Reaves Financial comes with fewer eligibility restrictions and far greater benefits.

Call us today to see how we can help!
(877) 597-2391